Custom Crops

This mod allows other to add crops to the game with a simple JSON file.

See eemie's melon variety for an example.

To have crops that grow in winter, install SpaceCore 1.0.4+.

  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
Release Dev

Version: 1.1.0
Sun, 05 Nov 2017 21:18:55 +0000
Add purchase requirement support.


Full Changelog

  • 1.2

The source code for this project can be found here.

Json editing

This assumes you understand how to edit json.

* Id - The ID of the crop. Should be of the form <author>.<cropname>
* ProductName - The name of the crop.
* SeedName - The name of the seeds.
* ProductDescription - The description for the crop.
* SeedDescription - The description for the seeds.
* Type - The type of crop this is. Valid values are "Vegetable" , "Fruit" , and "Flower" .
* Seasons - A list of valid seasons for the crop
* Phases - A list of integers representing the length of each growth phase.
* RegrowthPhase - The phase to regrow at, or -1 (default) for a one-time harvest crop.
* HarvestWithScythe - Whether the crop requires a scythe or not. (default false)
* TrellisCrop - Whether the crop is solid or not. (default false)
* Colors - A list of colors, for flowers. If you specify colors, a "product-color.png" also needs to exist for the crop. This is the part that will be colored.
* Bonus - TODO: Explain
* SeedPurchaseRequirements - Allows you to specify conditions for seeds showing in the shop. Uses the event preconditions format.
* SeedPurchasePrice - The purchase price of the seeds.
* ProductSellPrice - The sell price of the crop.
* Edibility - The edibility value of the crop. Stamina and health restored is calculated by the vanilla game based on this.

// Colors example
"Colors": [
"255, 0, 0, 255", // Red
"0, 255, 0, 255", // Green
"0, 0, 255, 255" // Blue
// SeedPurchaseRequirements example
// This makes the seeds only sell on year 2+, on the weekends, and only when the weather is sunny.
"SeedPurchaseRequirements": [
"w sunny",
"y 2",
"d Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri",